Web Application Development Service Company in Bangalore

Web Application Development Company in Bangalore

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Nexevo Understanding Custom Web Application Development

Understanding Custom Web Application Development And How It Can Reshape Your Business?

One of the biggest competitive fields in this virtual world is establishing a business online and making it thrive in the long run! Custom web application is a gamechanger for all this business and startups! The first ever website was created in 1991 and reached its peak around the 2000's. There are 5 billion internet users all around the world and a web based application with customization is the smartest way to reach your target audience. 1 in 4 companies still don’t have a web application even though there’s a lot of businesses profited out of it. So, always consider a custom web application development before starting a business.

Nexevo Mobile app development Key facts

Key facts

  • Most of the readers only browse the website.
  • Taking Responsibility for Smartphone Users.
  • A Website Only Lasts Three Years
  • Multimedia Content on Your Website Can Have Both Good and Bad Effects
  • In 0.9 seconds, users make their opinions.

Web Application Development services Nexevo tailors for your business needs

Nexevo with its proven record has been known as one of the best custom web application development company in Bangalore with its best known custom web application development services which are tailored to meet the specific business needs of our clients. These services cover the entire development lifecycle, starting with planning to ongoing maintenance.

Here are common web app development services provided by Nexevo

Nexevo Custom Web Application Development

Custom Web Application Development

At Nexevo our developers begin with building tailored web applications from scratch to meet unique business requirements by utilizing the latest technologies and frameworks

Nexevo UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

We will develop and design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces by conducting user research creating wireframes and implementing responsive design for various devices.

Nexevo Frontend Development

Frontend Development

Our frontend developers will develop your web applications by using the best tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frontend frameworks by also ensuring cross-browser compatibility and optimal user experiences.

Nexevo Development Environment Setup

Development Environment Setup

Building server-side logic and databases by also implementing robust APIs for communication and selecting appropriate backend technologies and frameworks.

Nexevo Full-Stack Development

Full-Stack Development

Provide end-to-end development expertise by ensuring seamless integration between frontend and backend components resulting in scalable and maintainable applications.

Nexevo E-Commerce Development

E-Commerce Development

Creating your online stores and e-commerce platforms which will have secure payment getaways and integrate inventory management with proper order processing systems.

Nexevo Content Management Systems (CMS)

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Customized CMS solutions that will help and allow you to manage and update website content easily by integrating with popular CMS platforms or building proprietary systems

Nexevo Cloud Application Development

Cloud Application Development

Leveraging cloud services for scalability and flexibility and developing applications for cloud deployment, will also integrate with cloud-based databases and storage solutions.

Nexevo Custom Web Application Development

Enterprise Web Applications

Building large-scale web applications for enterprise use, integrating with existing systems and databases, and implementing security measures for data protection.

Nexevo Custom Web Application Development

Web Portal Integration

Portals for information sharing and collaboration, implement user authentication and access controls and develop features like dashboards, document management, and communication tools.

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Why Nexevo Excels in Creating Custom Web Application Development

Custom Web Application Development Company is designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of your business.

Automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, and providing a centralized platform for data management.

With a focus on user-centric design, custom web applications provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Custom applications can be seamlessly integrated with your existing software systems, databases, and third-party APIs.

They can be designed to scale with your business growth. Whether you're planning on expanding your user base, adding new features, or integrating with other systems, a custom solution provides the flexibility to adapt to changes.

Technology that we employ to develop custom web application

The process we follow for creating Web Application Development


  • We then define the scope of the project, outlining the features and functionalities to be included.
  • Create a project timeline with key milestones and deliverables.
Nexevo Planning


  • We create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the structure and flow of the application.
  • Design the visual elements, including layouts, colour schemes, and graphical elements.
Nexevo Design

Architecture and Technology Selection

  • We will look into it and plan the overall architecture of the web application, including frontend and backend components.
  • And select the appropriate technologies, frameworks, and programming languages based on project requirements.
Nexevo Architecture and technology selection


  • Our frontend developers will develop and create the client-side of the application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Our backend developers will look into the server-side logic, databases, and APIs using backend technologies.
Nexevo development


  • We will conduct individual unit testing to ensure each component functions as intended.
  • Then test the interaction between different components.
Nexevo Testing


  • We will then configure the server environment for hosting the web application.
  • Deploy the application to the production server, making it accessible to our users.
Nexevo Deployment

Post Launch Support and Maintenance

  • We will address any post-launch issues and release updates with new features or improvements.
  • Continuously monitor the application's performance, security, and user feedback.
Nexevo Post Launch Support and Maintenance

Web Applications That Nexevo Serves For Different Industries

Nexevo Custom CRM

Custom CRM

Nexevo Student Management

Student Management

Nexevo ERP Software

ERP Software

Nexevo Data Management

Data Management

Nexevo HR Management

HR Management

Nexevo Institute Management

Institute Management

Nexevo Inventory


Nexevo Rental Service Management

Rental Service Management

Nexevo Business Management

Business Management

Nexevo Invoice Management

Invoice Management

Nexevo Cab Booking Management

Cab Booking Management

Nexevo Online Food Ordering

Online Food Ordering

Nexevo Health Management

Health Management

Nexevo Leave Management

Leave Management

Nexevo ELM Software

ELM Software

Nexevo Payroll Management

Payroll Management

Nexevo Client Management

Client Management

Nexevo Lead Management

Lead Management

Benefits you get by developing a Custom Web Application at Nexevo

Nexevo as a custom web application development company in Bangalore offers a wide range of benefits, Here are several advantages of opting for custom web application development

  • It is created to cater to the unique requirements of a business. They can be precisely tailored to fit specific workflows, processes, and business objectives.

  • Designed to scale with the growth of the business. As operations expand and user bases increase, the application can be easily adapted to handle additional load and functionalities.

  • Streamlines business processes by automating repetitive tasks and optimizing workflows.

  • Seamlessly integrated with existing software systems, databases, and third-party APIs.

  • User experience is a top priority. The application can be designed with a focus on the expectations of the end-users.

  • While the initial development cost may be higher, it often proves to be more cost-effective in the long run.

  • Developers can implement robust security measures tailored to the business's requirements, ensuring the protection of sensitive data.

  • Businesses will have full ownership and control over the source code and the application itself. This provides flexibility in making updates, modifications, and enhancements as needed.

  • Custom applications offer flexibility and adaptability to changing business requirements. They can be easily modified and extended to accommodate new features or changes in processes.

Find your team at Nexevo

About Nexevo

Nexevo Technologies Pvt Ltd is one of the leading web designing and web development companies in Bangalore. With over 12+ years of experience, we are an award-winning company providing the top-notch services and flawless services in the industry. Our team comprises over 99+ experts dedicated to crafting visually stunning and functionally robust websites at reasonable prices. Over the years, we've successfully served over 300+ clients globally, each project reflecting our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

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Common few queries are answered here related to Web Application Development

Custom Web Application Development encompasses the creation of tailor-made and unique web applications to attain all types of business needs and requirements that solutions are not unique and may not fully address, but the same can be accomplished at Nexevo, a custom web application development company.

A custom application development company provides a personalized solution, particularly aligned with business processes, scalability, and security needs, offering a competitive edge over generic offerings.

Custom web applications at a custom web application development company is designed and developed with the end user in mind, resulting into a seamless and intuitive experience particularly to specific user needs, moving to much higher satisfaction and engagement.

Generally at Nexevo a custom web application development company uses JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular), server-side languages (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby), and databases (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB).

Custom development allows for the implementation of robust security measures tailored to the application, including encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits, you can avail these services exclusively with Nexevo which is a very well know and experienced custom web application development company in Bangalore.

Scalability is a key consideration which fully allows custom applications to adapt and grow with increasing user demands with time, ensuring performance remains optimal as the user base expands.

Custom development enables seamless integration with existing systems through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and middleware, ensuring data flow and interoperability.

Timelines vary based on complexity, features, and client requirements. Generally, custom web application development can take several weeks to months, ensuring thorough planning and testing.

Custom applications are designed with mobile responsiveness in mind, utilizing responsive design principles to ensure optimal user experiences across various devices and screen sizes.

At Nexevo, a custom web application development company offers ongoing support, addressing bug fixes, updates, and enhancements post-launch. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) outline the scope of ongoing maintenance.

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