Why Your Website is Losing Attention and How to Prevent it?
Web Development
Updated on: 22 Oct, 2024 13:20 PM

Published Date 07 Dec, 2021 00:50 AM
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Why Your Website is Losing Attention and How to Prevent it?

Are you losing out visitors to your website? Your business site is not getting enough attention? You are very upset because you had an excellent ranking and you were receiving a lot of relevant traffic that was even generating leads, emails, phone calls, emails, and sales. But suddenly your website is not getting attention and you are alarmed. Now you check your ranking to see that it has seriously gone down. You don’t need to panic because a web development company in Bangalore can definitely do something about it.

The reasons why your website could lose attention?

A lot of people contemplate that website creation is simply a design but a genuine design has a specific discipline and a lot of perfection. Apart from design, catchy and proper content placement also plays a very important role. Take a look into the details of why your website is losing attention and how you can get rid of it:

1. Outdated design 

Every book is judged by its cover, its true for even for websites. Visitors do not tend to visit a website that has old design format because they find the design uneasy. As a solution, you can opt for a face-lift from a professional website design company. These days there is no space for basic HTML designs, you need to implement the best knowledge to design an appealing and technically strong website. 

2. Content is improper 

Content is king and the kingdom depends on the ruler. Web design is not only about pixels, images, colors, and high definition graphics. Content, the kind of text also plays a major role. Too much or too little content is not acceptable, try to fit optimum content and it should have a quality. Content that would be placed must not have typos and grammar errors. Use professional and larger fonts so that people find it easy to read.

3. The navigation structure is not clear

Visitors have to land on a website and keep looking for a piece of information. There are websites that are so complicated and the navigation options are not user-friendly at all. Bad navigation repels visitors and is also harmful to SEO. The best thing to sort out this issue is to hire the best team of designers who have knowledge about it. The designer must keep himself in the visitor’s shoe and then create a user-friendly navigation. Consider the user needs and restructure the navigation.  

4. Your website depends on old plugins

Visitors do not have the time to install outdated plugins to read the sales content. It’s best to use HTML 5 for all animations and videos so that users get an all new and better experience. There would be users who would not watch the videos, for them add a transcript, a summary, and notes. 

5. Auto-play videos in your website

Visitors generally tend to click the ‘Back’ button when they come across an auto-play video. Then this is definitely something that repels visitors. In today’s time, people enjoy freedom and flexibility, they would like to choose what kind of content they would access and consume. 

6. Obtrusive registration requirements

Gated content definitely helps to drive sales but restricting the registration requirements directly affects, lowering the conversion rate. While creating the registration, judge whether the fields you add are necessary or not. 

7. A slow loading website is unacceptable 

The world is fast and it’s getting faster day by day, therefore a slow loading website would lose out relevant traffic. Most of the consumers wait for 2 seconds for the website to load and they abandon a site that takes more time. If your site is facing the issue, work on and optimize the page loading time. 

8. Call-to-action missing

According to a research it has been seen, almost 80% of normal B2B websites miss the call-to-action button. This is all about not mentioning about the sale and it definitely repels visitors. It is important to prompt your customers to take an action and this can be done with a compelling call-to-action button. 

Final words

Some of the other reasons are not using the 'exit intent' technology, the website is not responsive, your content fails to live up to the landing page promise and product benefits are not clear. Now that you know the reasons why your website is not getting enough populated, you need experts to work on if your site is facing any of the issues. There are so many reputed web design companies in Bangalore that offer all types of the solution including redesigning. Make sure your website is in expert hands. 

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Nexevo Technologies is a Professional web designing and web development company bangalore, which is offers a full facility for designing a website at a reasonable price. We are award-winning web design and digital marketing company working since 2012.

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