Important Tips to Make Your Website with Mobile Friendly
Web Development
Updated on: 27 Jul, 2024 11:23 AM

Published Date 07 Dec, 2021 00:50 AM
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Important Tips to Make Your Website Development with Mobile Friendly


Mobile first is a current trend; this is the reason why most of the companies are struggling to develop mobile-friendly websites. The term mobile-first is all about being able to use a website on a mobile device seamlessly. Indeed, most of the time it is not possible to create a mirror image of the desktop version while developing mobile ones. But a mobile site aims to meet every essential function so that mobile users concisely get all important information. A Website Development Company in Bangalore can offer the right mobile solution for your existing website. 

What is a Mobile-friendly Website

A mobile-friendly website is a website that is designed and optimized to provide an ideal and user-friendly experience for visitors accessing it from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Mobile-friendly websites are specifically customized to accommodate the smaller screens, touch interfaces, and various browsing behaviors associated with mobile usage.

Difference between mobile-friendly and responsive design

Mobile-friendly design and responsive design are both approaches to ensure that websites work well on mobile devices, but they differ in their implementation and scope.

Mobile-Friendly Design:

Separate Mobile Version: The website is typically designed with a separate mobile version when using a mobile-friendly design approach. That is to say, the website exists in two different versions: a desktop one and a mobile one. Typically, the mobile version is more condensed and screen-friendly

Different URLs: Mobile-friendly websites often have different URLs for desktop and mobile versions. For example, a desktop site might be "" while the mobile version could be "" or "".

Limited Flexibility: Mobile-friendly design will not adjust properly to the different screen sizes. Instead, they provide a limited layout specifically customized for mobile devices. This can result in inconsistencies across different mobile devices.

Responsive Design:

Single Website, Flexible Layout: Responsive design involves creating a single website that dynamically adjusts its layout and content based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used. The layout responds fluidly to changes in screen size, providing an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from desktops to smartphones.

Consistent URL: Responsive websites typically have a consistent URL across all devices. There's no need for separate URLs or different versions of the site for desktop and mobile users.

Fluid Grids and Flexible Images: Responsive websites use fluid grids and flexible images that automatically resize and reposition themselves to fit the screen size. This makes the website look and function well regardless of the device being used.

Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Mobile-Friendly

Here are a few reasons why you need to get mobile-friendly website development and design:

1. More mobile users:

Billions of people are using a mobile devices for instant access, imagine it’s so easy. You can do everything from a mobile and can take it along with you easily wherever you go. People rely on tablets or phones for online shopping and e-commerce is a big industry. If your site is not mobile-friendly, you are missing out on business revenue.

2. Social media at its best

Can you ignore social media? No right?

Mobile users have increased mostly due to social media. Your business might get a bad review on social sites for not being mobile-friendly. Social media is responsible for driving positive traffic to your business.

3. SEO ranking

A mobile-friendly and responsive website improves SEO ranking. Google is more concerned about positive user experience and this can’t be achieved without responsiveness. Google has a different algorithm for mobile websites that are more focused on click-back times and bounce rates. So, no taking risk with Mr Google.

4. Improved user experience and branding

A mobile-friendly and responsive website ensures a better user experience. There are so many mobile users and this is a high-utility device these days. Imagine not being able to access a website! Without user experience, your online business is a flop.

5. Brand Reputation

Having a mobile-friendly website can reflect positivity on your brand. It shows that you prioritize user experience and stay up-to-date with technology which can enhance your brand's reputation and credibility.

8 Tips to make your website mobile-friendly

1. Optimizing for touch screens

The method of interaction is a vast difference between desktop and mobile devices. People are more used to swiping, zooming in and out with their fingertips on mobiles. Simply implementing responsiveness is not sufficient for a perfect user experience. It’s also important to optimize the site for touch screens as well and for this proper navigation is very important.

2. Compress CSS, HTML, and Images

The loading time is a big factor when optimizing a website for smaller screens. The visitors should not get frustrated by the amount of time need to wait for page loading. A mobile website means that the page will load within a second. Compress the high-resolution images to save mobile data, and compress the CSS and HTML as well.

3. A better theme

For WordPress websites, you just need to upgrade the theme to make your website mobile-friendly. So, it's time you replace your old theme with a new one. You might also use a plugin for optimizing your site for smaller screens but this method is not very much recommended. 

4. Choosing the right fonts

Tiny fonts are painful to the eyes and zooming in time and again is problematic. This spoils the entire user experience to use the perfect font that matches the screen size.
The method of interaction is a vast difference between desktop and mobile devices. People are more used to swiping, zooming in and out with their fingertips on mobiles. Simply implementing responsiveness is not sufficient for a perfect user experience. It’s also important to optimize the site for touch screens as well and for this proper navigation is very important. 

5. Compress CSS, HTML, and Images

The loading time is a big factor when optimizing a website for smaller screens. The visitors should not get frustrated by the amount of time need to wait for page loading. A mobile website means that the page will load within a second. Compress the high-resolution images to save mobile data, and compress the CSS and HTML as well.

7. A better theme

For WordPress websites, you just need to upgrade the theme to make your website mobile-friendly. So, it's time you replace your old theme with a new one. You might also use a plugin for optimizing your site for smaller screens but this method is not very much recommended. 

8. Choosing the right fonts

Tiny fonts are painful to the eyes and zooming in time and again is problematic. This spoils the entire user experience to use the perfect font that matches the screen size.

What is a mobile-friendly test?

A mobile-friendly test is a tool provided by various platforms that is used to analyze and evaluate how our website looks and performs on a mobile device or tablet. This test analyzes various aspects of a website's design, layout, and functionality to determine how well it performs on mobile screens.

A mobile-friendly test will look for various technical factors such as 

Check site speed

Examine CSS and Javascript use

Check for Plugins like Flash or Java

and the usability factors like: 

whether the text is readable without zooming?

Does the content fit the screen without scrolling sidewards?

Are links and buttons easily clickable?

Best Mobile-Friendly Test Tools


In the digital age, a personalized website embodies the pinnacle of online representation. It captures your brand essence, fulfills unique requirements, and delivers exceptional user satisfaction. Opting for bespoke web design and development signifies an investment in your online triumph, empowering you to come up with objectives while distinguishing yourself in the digital sphere.

So, whether you're a business proprietor seeking to amplify your online footprint or an individual striving to set up a personal brand, ponder the influence and promise of a customized website. It's more than just a site; it's your digital magnum opus, brought to life by a leading web design and development company in Bangalore.

Frequently Asked Question

1. Why do I need to make my website mobile-friendly?

Making your website mobile-friendly is crucial because it ensures that you don't miss out on potential customers who browse the internet on mobile devices. Additionally, mobile-friendly websites improve SEO ranking, enhance user experience, boost brand reputation, and increase conversion rates.

2. How can I test if my website is mobile-friendly, and what are some recommended tools for this purpose?

You can test if your website is mobile-friendly using various online tools and services that analyze your site's performance on mobile devices. Some recommended tools for mobile-friendly testing include PageSpeed Insights,, WebPageTest, Sitechecker Pro, and GTmetrix.

3. How can a Website Development Company help me create a mobile-friendly website?

A Website Development Company in Bangalore can provide expertise in designing and developing mobile-friendly websites tailored to your specific business needs. They can ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, follows best practices for usability and performance, and meets industry standards for responsiveness and compatibility.

Nexevo Blog

Nexevo Technologies is a Professional web designing and web development company bangalore, which is offers a full facility for designing a website at a reasonable price. We are award-winning web design and digital marketing company working since 2012.

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