Receiving lots of traffic but no sales why? top 10 solutions for you
Digital Marketing
Updated on: 27 Jul, 2024 14:42 PM

Published Date 07 Dec, 2021 00:50 AM
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Receiving lots of traffic but no sales why? top 10 solutions for you

Lack of price analysis

Price analysis in this competitive market is very important meanwhile If the price given on your website is higher than any other website, then people cannot buy products from your website. Mostly customers buy products by doing price analysis and product secondary research of each product is most important for web owners. 

Absence of Social media optimization

Social Media optimization is a very important for websites. If your website does not have social media optimization then the customer does not believe that website will not be able to fulfil their requirement and Social media implementation is to tell we about brand awareness of the products. 

Social media is nuts and bolts that help in running the whole engine. So that, Digital Marketing for Ecommerce Website is necessary part and do not ignore social media optimization, now contact Nexevo Technologies who will work to get your website in the right direction

Do not look like a professional website

Bad website design is big reason escape of the online shoppers. We often see ourselves many times, such a website like no header optimization and no footer optimization, Content is also written in such paragraphs that some do not understand anything and content having no heading. Website does not have toll free no.  is a very big reason for the escape of the customer. These type of website seems to be unprofessional and mostly people does not even buy products on these types of websites

Half-piece detail of products

Full detail of the product is very important to attract the visitor. If your product does not have full details then customers do not buy from your website and never buy products from your website even in future.

Presence of Negative reviews

Customers buy any product on website before purchasing they looks surely review and testimonials. Negative reviews written on your website can cause the purchase of products. So, Negative review should not be marked up on the website

Complexity of checkout process 

The checkout process of any website should be very easy and Checkout process should be designed at least in step.  

Absence of free shipping option

Free shipping option holds very important for any online shoppers. Most of people do not buy products by looking at deliverable or shipping charges and at the same time the conversion rate of free shipping charges increases by about 60%.

Complexity of function

Search, filters and sorting option should be very easy for online shoppers. If there is a small complexity in it then visitor immediately goes to another website.  Here is the meaning of complexity like search function is in the right place at the top and shows the product according to customer's selection.

Lack of organic traffic on websites

Website should have a lot of organic traffic If there is no organic traffic on the websites then it can never come in front of online shoppers.

Lacks of product return policy option

It is very important to have a product return policy option otherwise customer will think 10 times before buying stuff on your websites. Today there is a lot of competition in the Ecommerce market and every major company is giving return policy facility to online shoppers.

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